GTC game mode

Basics of the Gamemode

The gamemode is played as a 3v3 or 4v4. Each team will start out with one player tagged. Whenever someone is tagged there goal is to tag the other team. The goal of the untagged players (runners) is to stay alive for as long as posssible. The team with the last standing player is the winner.

The runners will start anywhere within the forest map exept for walls. The taggers will start on the concrete at gazebo. The taggers will leave the gazebo and start chasing runners after the 3 second count down from the ref.

The gamemode is played on a 30 minute timer. When the timer ends the team with the higher number of points is the winner.

All the gamemode rules for this league


If you have any mods installed or any modiffed assemblys then you will be counted as cheating. Uninstall all you mods.

Round setup

One player for each team comes down to the gazebo to tag. Tagged players must be in the gazebo when the round starts. The ref will make sure everyone is ready then do a 3 second count down.

During a round

Taggers will chase the runners. When you get tagged you will help tag the other team. Then just repete the round setup.

The playable Area

The playable area is all the space in the forest. The top of maps is out of play. Any area that has to be reached by glitches or is otherwise unintended to be reached is out of play. Ex outside the walls of the map.


During the match there is a 30 minute timer that runs from the match start to end only pausing durring breaks. The timer is 30 minutes long.


Each team gets a 3 minute break. That they can use once in the match.


If a tie happens then the teams will do three more rounds. The team with 2 points will be the winner.

Too close to call

If there is no way to find the outcome of a round (Ex. Both players where tagged at the same time) then you will redo the round.


While in an offical match you name in game must be your team tag followed by your discord name


The first team to join the code gets the choose the color code. The allowed color codes are.

Red: 0
Green: 0
Blue: 9

Red: 9
Green: 0
Blue: 0


If your team wants to wear a cosmetic then the whole team needs to have it on. If one team can not find a matching cosmetic then you can do one team with cosmetics and one without.

Starting locations

Runners are able to start in any inbounds aria of the map. Taggers must start on concrete in the gazebo.


Salling rules

Teachnical issues

Technical issue rules

Any other questions about match procedure

League rules

Last Updated: