League rules

A.0 Match Start & prep

[A] Regulations pertaining to team structure and individual differentiation.

  • Matches must be 4v4, you can do 3v3 with permission from staff
  • All players on team must have a matching color. The first team to join the lobby will have color code 0,0,9 the second team to join will have color code 9.0,0
  • If you wish to wear a cosmetic, every member of your team must have it on
  • You must have your team tag followed by a known discord name, not changing your name in discord to have it appear different in match.
  • All players must have any mods uninstalled before the start of the match
  • You must mute all players on the other team

[B] Operations that the ref must execute before the start of the match.

  • Refs must make sure to the best of their ability that all players mute
  • Refs must confirm both teams EX: “your XXX & your YYY correct?”
  • Refs must confirm all of the things stated in the rule above
  • Refs must be out of the field of play, AKA stump, Gazebo, or out of the map

[C] Operations that the casters must execute before the start of the match.

  • Casters must be using our OBS overlay and settings
  • Casters make sure that they can hear the ref
  • Casters make sure commentators stay on topic
  • Casters make sure everything is working

[D] Round setup and match starting prep

  • 1 player from each team must get tagged.
  • Tagged players must be in the gazebo when the round starts.
  • Untagged players must not be on the walls
  • The ref will confirm all players are ready.
  • When ready the ref will count down from 3 and the match will get off to the start

[E] During The Round

  • The taggers will try to tag all members of the other team (tagging your own team is permitted).
  • Once you are tagged you will help your team members try to catch the other team
  • Once the entirety of a team is tagged the remaining team will be given a point.
  • “round setup and match starting prep” will be repeated.

[F] The Countdown Timer

  • During the match there will be a countdown timer that lasts 30 minutes. It will be active at all times, except during breaks.
  • Once the timer ends and the current round (if there is one) ends the match is over and whoever has the higher number of points is the winner.
  • The round the timer runs out on will continue until the round is over.
  • The time will be paused when the players are not currently in a round.

[G] Playable Area

  • During the match you may never leave the forest map unless told to by staff.
  • The top of any map is not allowed to be played on.
  • Any area of a map that is not intended to be reached such as outside the walls of a map is banned.

[H] Breaks

  • Each team gets a signal three minute break to use at any point where teams are not playing. One example of this would be while not during a round.
  • During breaks the timer will be paused.

[I] A Tie

  • If the timer ends and the round is over, if the points are tied then the ref will start a best of three (three rounds and the person with 2 points wins).

[J] Too Close To Call

  • If there is no way to find who won a round (the players were tagged at the same time and there is no recording to slow-mo through) then the round is a tie and no team gets a point.

A.1 Round Reset rules & technical Difficulty

[A] a player leaves without any explanation but is AFK in the lobby, Or claims to not be ready with no explanation of what they are doing.

  • Ref gives a 10 second countdown for players to get back, if they are not back by the end of 10 seconds the match starts without them.
  • If there teammates can provide why they left and the ref did not hear them then refer to section B

[B] A player goes AFK with an explanation of what they are doing and asks for time.

  • The player only gets 30 seconds then the round starts.
  • If it happens more then 2 rounds for 1 team then stalling rules are referenced to refs discretion.

[C] If any runners disconnect mid round, it does not matter what team.

  • The round cannot reset no matter the circumstances, but when player rejoins lobby they are not allowed to help tag the opposing team, so round remains 3v4

[D] If you want to reset the round to get a tagger of your choice.

  • If you start as a tagger but don't want to be tagger, you only get one round in the entire scrim to ask for a starting tagger reset. Per team

A.2 Stalling rules and punishments

[A] Intentionally impeding the advancement of the game, such as evading capture or declining to tag the other player.

  • 1st offense = warning
  • 2nd offense = player sits out round
  • 3rd offense = forfeit of point
  • 4th offense = forfeit of match
  • 5th offense from same player in a season = stacking 1 month comp bans

[B] Deliberately engaging in strategic time-wasting maneuvers, such as needing water or switching out controller batteries, or employing similar tactics to disrupt gameplay progression.

  • You get 3 times per team to stop for short periods of time the ref gets to decide how long between 10 seconds to 1 min.
  • If you exceed 3 times then you skip to 2nd offense of stalling rule then you move along stalling rule progression

[C] Engaging in intentional map-hopping as a means of disrupting the momentum of the match, even if only for a brief moment, in order to gain an advantage or create a distraction.

  • 1st offense = forfeit of round
  • 2nd offense = forfeit of match & 1 month comp ban of player
  • Any offenses more than this and stacking 1 month comp bans will ensue.

A.3 Prohibited tactics

[A] Employing hiding strategies.

  • Now hiding is hard to define, but refs will be entrusted to identify hiding
  • 1st offense = warning
  • 2nd offense = forfeit round
  • 3rd offense = forfeit match
  • 4th offense = stacking 1 month comp bans

A.4 Subbing rules, Matches & Scrims

[A] Using banned players in a “unofficial scrim”

  • If scrim is scheduled under name of official team
  • 1st offense is 1 very strong warning
  • 2nd offense is a instant disbandment and dissolving of the team
  • If the scrim is scheduled without official team name but consists of all team players
  • 1st offense is a strong warning
  • 2nd offense = captain replacement
  • 3rd offense = disbandment of team

[B] Using subs in official matches

  • To use a sub in a official match the sub must be on your team, and the sub can only sub in at the start of a new round
  • If a team tries to use off team subs during an official match it's an instant forfeit and disbandment.

A.5 Respecting Ref Rules

[A] Being toxic towards the ref and using negative language to address them for example cursing at them or calling them names.

  • If it's obviously one player from a team
  • 1st offense = warning
  • 2nd offense = sit out a round
  • 3rd offense = ejection from match + 1 match suspension
  • If it’s a team being toxic
  • 1st offense = warning
  • 2nd offense = 30 second holding of tagger + warning
  • 3rd offense = point deduction + final warning
  • 4th offense = match forfeit
  • If it's everyone in the match
  • 1st offense = warning to both teams
  • 2nd offense = 2nd warning
  • 3rd offense = rescheduling of scrim with different ref

[B] Arguing with the ref about any decision, the ref's decision is final and issues with decisions will be taken up with the mod team after the match.

  • If it's one player arguing a decision
  • If arguing 1 decision let them argue for a little bit, but if it gets disrespectful punish based on Toxicity towards ref
  • If it's one team arguing a decision
  • Same thing as above

A.6 Contract Rule

[A] When A player Joins a team they have 3 days to decide to stay on that team, In these 3 days that player is not allowed to participate in any official matches for any reason.

  • If a player was banned then unbanned but never left team, then rule does not apply
  • If the match admin agrees to let a player play in a official match within the 3 days it can be allowed, but there would have to be really special causes for that to happen
  • If a player does not wish to stay on the team, they may leave and the 3 day rule resets when they join another team

[B] When a player joins a team they have a contract for 2 weeks + the 3 intermission days so 17 days in totality.

  • If a team initiates contract with someone they may kick that player from the team, however the kicked player is stuck with the contract for 2 weeks
  • Teams may not initiate a contract with a player from their opponent's team that week.
  • If a player leaves a team they will still have the contract for the 2 weeks

[C] When the brackets close and elimination brackets begin, all player transactions will be locked, so you may not join a different team.

  • Teams may still kick people during elim bracket, however they cannot replace that player unless the team is deemed in critical condition
  • Teams that go into the Elim bracket are allowed to fill their empty spots, however once a spot is filled its filled, if someone leaves you may not fill spot again
  • Teams with open positions in elim bracket cannot fill open positions with any of the other previously locked players

A.7 Team Format Rules

[A] Teams can only consist of a maximum of 10 players and a minimum of 4 players

  • If a team drops below 4 players they are given until 3 days before next official match to recover a 4th as less than 4 means the team is incapable of play

[B] Teams may not consist of members younger than 13 years of age.

  • If a member is found to be under age, we will temp ban them until they turn 13
  • We only ban younger then 13 due to the TOS of discord and Gorilla tag

[C] Only ONE!! Captain & ONE!! Co-captain can be registered for your team

  • We do allow split ownership of a team, but one person must assume captain role and co-captain role.
  • Captain position is completely separate from a team player position, so a captain spot does not take up a spot on the team, however the captain cannot participate in comp - - scrims or matches.
  • If you want to participate in scrims and matches as a captain, you must fill a team player role, then you take up 1 spot on the team player roster and the captain position.

A.8 Tardiness Rule

[A] Both teams have to arrive in code at least 5 min before the scheduled time.

  • If teams are not there 5 min before ref reports it to staff team
  • Staff team puts a strike on that team
  • If a team reaches 3 strikes the ref of the 3rd strike forfeits the late team.

[B] Both teams have 5 min after the scheduled time to get missing players into the code.

  • If team goes over the 5 min mark then it is a forfeit match
  • or if both teams agree its a reschedule for the same day at a later time

[C] Within the 5 min early time frame all players should have their names and colors ready for the match.

  • If players do not have their names and colors good to go before an early 5 min window up. Punish them for stalling “intentionally impending the advancement of the game”
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