GTC Rules and Regulations

Where We Moderate

We strive to maintain a judicious approach to moderation, mindful of the importance of privacy and respect for diverse social dynamics. While we are steadfastly opposed to negative behaviors, we recognize that interpersonal interactions in private settings may differ from the norms we uphold. Accordingly, we have established guidelines for our moderating activities. In essence, we will monitor public channels in any server related to Gorilla Tag, including the main server and public servers for semi-pro teams. Exceptions may apply to private channels or servers where all members agree to certain terms, in which case we will not intervene unless evidence indicates a violation of our exceptions. In group chats and private messages, individuals must explicitly consent to rule-breaking, subject to the same exceptions. Finally, while private games with friends are exempt, public lobbies, code GTC, and all scrimmages and matches, regardless of official status, are subject to our moderation policies. [Please report anything that you want even if it's not in our area of moderation but we store all info on people, it could help us discuss and determine future bans.]

0.1 Racism

[A] Using language that discriminates or aggressively stereotypes an individual or group based on their race (not including slurs)

  • 1st offense = 1 month ban + 3 month mute
  • 2nd offense = 3 month ban
  • 3rd offense = perm ban
  • If a person is unaware the language is offensive then give a warning and 1 month mute.

[B] Addressing or referring to someone using any form of racial slur for a general outline of terms you should avoid using click here Not all terms listed will be punished, but you will recognize the common ones.

  • 1st offense = if non derogatory then 3 month ban
  • 2nd offense = if non derogatory then perm ban
  • 1st and second offenses can be punished at the same time if 2 pieces or more pieces of evidence are provided for more then 1 different occasions they used the slur.
  • 1st offense = if derogatory then 6 month ban
  • 2nd offense = if derogatory then perm ban

[C] Sharing, endorsing, or circulating media that contains racist or discriminatory content, including videos, memes, images, art, and TikTok videos.

  • 1st offense = 3 month ban
  • 2nd offense = 6 month ban
  • 3rd offense = perm ban

0.2 Homophobia

[A] Using language that expresses animosity or aggressive sentiments towards the LGBTQ+ community. (EX; Misgendering people on purpose, stuff like “i hate LGBTQ”...)

  • If not directed at anyone give a warning, if warnings are ignored or argued then follow the normal precautions
  • 1st offense = 3 month ban
  • 2nd offense = 6 month ban
  • 3rd offense = perm ban
  • Multiple offenses counts as 2-3 different accounts of them using this type of language

[B] Using parts of your Discord profile to represent homophobic concepts, such as using a homophobic profile picture (PFP), bio, name, or nickname.

  • We will request that you remove any derogatory content from your profile. Failure to comply with this request will result in a permanent ban.

[C] Expressing homophobic opinions or negative views, based on religious convictions (even if not directly offensive)

  • If severe enough, follow “using language that expresses animosity”… EX: using slurs, or aiming the convictions at a certain individual.
  • 1st offense = warning + 1 day mute
  • 2nd offense/negligence to 1st warning = 3 month ban
  • 3rd offense = 6 month ban
  • 4th offense = perm ban

[D] Employing the use of slurs, either in a direct or indirect manner, regardless of whether they are targeted at someone or not

  • 1st offense = 3 month ban
  • 2nd offense = 6 month ban
  • 3rd offense = perm ban
  • Multiple offenses counts as 2-3 different accounts of them using this type of language

[E] The act of distributing or endorsing homophobic media, encompassing a range of media forms such as images, memes, videos, websites, servers, Ect.

  • 1st offense = 1 month mute + warning
  • 2nd offense = 3 month ban
  • 3rd offense = 6 month ban
  • 4th offense = perm ban
  • Multiple offenses counts as 2-4 different accounts of them distributing homophobic media

[F] The act of using vocabulary that can be interpreted as homophobic without actual intent of being homophobic (example, using “gay” as an insult, to convey negativity)

  • 1st offense = warning + 1 day mute
  • 2nd offense = warning + 1 day mute
  • 3rd offense = 1 week mute
  • 4th offense = stacking 1 week mutes

0.3 NSFW

  • 1st offense = 1 month mute + warning
  • 2nd offense/if 1st offense is ignored = 3 month ban
  • 3rd offense = 6 month ban
  • 4th offense = perm ban
  • Multiple offenses count as 2-4 different accounts of them promoting NSFW content.
  • If the content is CP or of someone without their permission = perm ban
  • If the content is Gore = perm ban

[B] Using parts of your Discord profile to Promote NSFW media, such as using a vulgar profile picture (PFP), bio, name, or nickname.

  • We will request that you remove any NSFW content from your profile. Failure to comply with this request will result in a permanent ban.

[C] Engaging in the posting or promotion of suggestive content, including but not limited to depictions of partial nudity, can be considered to be on the fringes of socially acceptable content

  • 1st offense = warning + 1 day mute
  • 2nd offense 1 month mute
  • 3rd offense and on is stacking 1 month bans

0.4 Harassment

[A] Intentionally inciting and urging fellow competitive players to voice and amplify negative opinions towards a particular individual beyond the realm of playful banter.

  • All people involved will be muted for 1 day and given individual warnings
  • If people consistently are involved in disputes, we will follow with more intense mutes and possibly bans given the severity.

[B] Engaging in derogatory and mocking behavior towards traumatic events such as the loss of a loved one or significant historical occurrences such as the 9/11 terrorist attacks or the Holocaust.

  • 1st offense = 3 month ban
  • 2nd offense = 6 month ban
  • 3rd offense = perm ban
  • Publicly mocking an individual's trauma warrants removal from the community, resulting in a instant perm ban
  • For private mocking of an individual's trauma in priv servers or others DMs is gonna be a 6 month ban
  • Repeatedly attacking a person about traumatic events calls for an instant permanent ban.

[C] Participating in behaviors that constitute sexual harassment, such as persistently engaging individuals in inappropriate or unwelcome conversations or inquiries, or making derogatory and offensive jokes about an individual's body or sexual experiences.

  • The person being harassed will be asked how they feel and how they want to act on the situation
  • Minimum is 1 week mute + warning
  • Between minimum and maximum offer 1 month mute… to 1 month ban… to 6 months then perm ban
  • Maximum is a perm ban - use perm bans with caution and only for repeated situations.

[D] Making jokes or threatening sexual assault or rape, with varying levels of severity clarification will be provided bellow.

  • For jokes about sexual assault follow:
  • 1st offense = 3 month ban
  • 2nd offense = 6 month ban
  • 3rd offense = perm ban
  • If someone threatens rape no matter the context perm ban
  • For use of the word rape in more gamer vocabulary (EX: after getting tagged saying “I just got raped”) a warning plus stacking 1 month mutes

[E] Spam pinging people or pinging people without their permission

  • 1st offense = warning + 1 day mute
  • 2nd offense = 1 month mute + advise victim to block them
  • 3rd offense = 1 month ban + stacking 1 month bans

[F] Intentionally targeting and harassing in private situations such as direct messages. May involve but is not limited to harsh language, threats, and personal attacks on the victim and their identity.

  • 1st offense = 3 month ban
  • 2nd offense = 6 month ban
  • 3rd offense = perm ban

0.5 Pedophilia

[A] Being above the age of 18 and participating in suggestive conversations with minors.

  • Depending on the age gap the punishments have to be discussed by staff
  • If it's above 3 year gap instantly a perm ban
  • If it's a small age gap like less than 3 years and the stuff being said is a joke and the minors involved are not uncomfortable then warn the adult.
  • If it's a small age gap but the people involved are uncomfortable warning + 1 month removal from the community.
  • No matter what if the conversations are very obviously containing poor intentions a perm ban will be required if the victim wants it.

[B] Legit pedophilia such as a adult actively stalking, “talking” or being sexual towards a minor.

  • Instantly perm ban, alert the admins and upper staff, once alerted admins will contact discord support to report account to discord, also we will report it to all other discord servers this person might reside in, also a public warning announcement will be sent out.

[C] Grooming minors as an adult (for example talking to minors about dating history and sex life).

  • 1st offense = warning + 1 month ban + warn minor that it could be possibly malicious
  • 2nd offense = perm ban
  • Obviously punishing for this stuff is quite situational so all instances should be heavily discussed by the staff team.

0.6 Anti Religious

[A] Engaging in insensitive debates surrounding religion and the ontology of a supreme being or deity. (EX: Arguing a god or deity is not real / Arguing religion is pointless)

  • 1st offense = All parties involved get a warning + 1 day mute
  • 2nd offense = 1 week mute + threat of ban due to insensitivity
  • 3rd offense = 6 month ban
  • 4th offense = perm ban

[B] Mocking religion or treating adherence to religious beliefs as a frivolous or unintelligent endeavor.

  • 1st offense = warning + 1 week mute
  • 2nd offense = 1 month ban
  • 3rd offense = stacking 1 month bans at 6 months perm ban

[C] Employing impolite or derogatory language to disparage a particular religion, or to insult those who hold religious beliefs.

  • 1st offense = 1 week mute + severe warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 month mute
  • 3rd offense = 1 month ban + severe warning
  • 4th offense = 1 year ban if proceeds past this point then perm ban

[D] Manifesting prejudiced attitudes and discriminatory behavior towards individuals of Jewish heritage, whether through overt or subtle means, constitutes anti-Semitic behavior and bigotry.

  • 1st offense = 1 month mute + warning
  • 2nd offense = perm mute
  • 3rd offense = perm ban
  • If person is unaware of the anti semitic ties to what they said or did then give warning and 1 week mute
  • If a person actively promotes anti semitic people or agendas, punish anyone who does not oppose this person for 1 week mute and warning.

[E] Making sweeping generalizations about an individual's religious beliefs based solely on their racial or ethnic background, such as assuming that someone of Middle Eastern descent subscribes to the Muslim faith.

  • 1st offense = 1 day mute + detailed warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 week mute
  • 3rd offense = stacking 1 week mutes + detailed warnings
  • If they are determined it evolves from lack of education to stereotyping then you punish based on enforcing racist stereotypes.

[F] Disseminating or endorsing media and content that espouses anti-religious sentiments or viewpoints, such as videos, TikTok videos, images, and memes.

  • 1st offense = 1 week mute + warning
  • 2nd offense = 3 month mute
  • 3rd offense = 1 month ban + stacking bans

0.7 Chauvinism

[A] Employing derogatory language to describe a specific gender, and directing such language towards individuals of that gender.

  • 1st offense = 1 week mute + warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 month mute + severe warning
  • 3rd offense = 1 month ban + stacking bans
  • If the language is very obviously demeaning and meant to be harmful then start at stacking 3 month bans

[B] Promoting and upholding chauvinistic stereotypes through either humorous or earnest means. (EX: assuming that women belong in the kitchen)

  • 1st offense = 1 day mute + warning and explanation
  • 2nd offense = 1 month mute
  • 3rd offense = 1 month ban + stacking bans

[C] Engaging in sexualization of a particular gender, such as expressing attraction or arousal, or objectifying individuals of any gender. (EX: people talking about women or men… in a suggestive way, not explicitly someone in particular)

  • 1st offense = 1 day mute + warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 week mute + stack mutes…
  • If mutes stack to over 6 months then perm mute
  • If its creepy or directed at anyone treat it a harassment or possibly pedophilia

[D] Endorsing and disseminating media and content that reinforces chauvinistic ideologies, including but not limited to videos, images, memes, and personalities such as Andrew Tate or Sneako.

  • 1st offense = warning + 1 day mute
  • 2nd offense = 1 week mute
  • 3rd offense = possible 1 month ban if severe but stack 1 week mutes if not severe
  • If the memes are made to target a member of the community, resort to harassment for punishments.

0.8 Politics

[A] Explicitly expressing support for historic abhorrent political figures, be it in contemporary politics like hitler, Stalin or Idi amin.

  • 1st offense = 3 month ban
  • 2nd offense = 6 month ban
  • 3rd offense = perm ban
  • If it's memes or jokes then punish more lightly, however it's still not acceptable.

[B] Exhibiting disrespect or condescension towards individuals based on their political views, such as treating someone as intellectually inferior for their beliefs.

  • 1st offense = 1 week mute + warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 month mute
  • 3rd offense = perm mute
  • The perm mute can be followed by a perm ban if the person continues in DMs or Game.

[C] Using hostile or disparaging language to undermine or ridicule another person's political views. (EX: calling someone a racist or homophobic just because they are republican, or calling someone a hippie or vegan because they are liberal)

  • 1st offense = 1 week mute + warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 month mute
  • 3rd offense = 1 month ban + stacking bans
  • If language is borderline racist, homophobic… follow that categories punishments
  • If the language is borderline offensive then just warn with no mutes.

0.9 Ableism

[A] Engaging in mocking or belittling behavior directed at an individual with a disability, even without the use of overtly derogatory language, such as in the case of a server member or a friend or family member who may have a disability.

  • 1st offense = warning + 1 day mute
  • 2nd offense = 1 week mute + severe warning
  • 3rd offense = 1 month mute + stacking mutes
  • 4th offense = if ignorance proceeds then result to stacking bans if it gets above like 6 months of mutes

[B] Employing pejorative language such as "Dunce" or "Retard" with the intention of directly or indirectly insulting another person

  • 1st offense = 1 day mute + warning if it was indirect
  • 2nd offense = 1 day mute+ severe warning + stacking 1 week mutes if indirect
  • Directly attacking someone = punish like harassment
  • If it's someone saying “retard/retarded” in a general use situation, inform them not to use the word, only mute if necessary. Retard/retarded sometimes has ingrained itself - into people's vocabulary without any offensive intent.

[C] The dissemination of audio-visual materials in the form of videos, images, memes, and social media content, such as TikTok.

  • 1st offense = 1 day mute + warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 week mute + stacking mutes
  • If mutes stack past 6 months start stacking bans

1.0 Hacking + Personal Data

  • Contact the victim, ask for them to give context
  • If it's with permission give warning + 1 week mute
  • If its without permission strictly ban for 6 months + alert community
  • If circumstances are strange launch investigation

[B] The illicit acquisition of an individual's private and personal information, including but not limited to their IP address, login credentials, email communications, and identity.

  • Instantly ban the perpetrator
  • If login credentials were given to them then launch investigation
  • If IP is stolen or data is stolen report to Admins
  • Admins report IP stealing or data stealing to discord

[C] The act of using an individual's personal information as leverage to coerce or manipulate them into performing certain actions constitutes a form of digital extortion commonly referred to as blackmail.

  • Instantly ban the blackmailer, no if ands or buts
  • If the perpetrator cops to lying then the victim gets to choose either perm ban or 1 month ban + perm mute

[D] Mimicking someone or changing your profile to mimic someone or steal someone's identity, we will only punish if efforts to impersonate are made.

  • Ask the person to change their profile
  • Go to person being mimicked and ask if they give consent
  • If person does not respect the request to change profile aspects 1 month ban + stacking bans
  • Instantly perm ban + report to upper administration
  • Upper administration reports violators to discord
  • Upper administration reports violators to other discords
  • If a person is hacked and posted links without their knowledge, ban but wait for account recovery to unban them.

[F] The act of intentionally misrepresenting or fabricating an individual's personal identity, including but not limited to their name, gender, sexuality, religion, or other identifying characteristics, constitutes a malicious form of online defamation.

  • 1st offense = 1 month mute + warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 month ban
  • 3rd offense = perm ban

1.1 Competitive Sabotage

[A] We hold our staff members to high standards of impartiality and fairness, and any perception of targeted aggression is taken seriously. We encourage prompt reporting of such incidents to ensure swift and appropriate action.

  • Alert upper admin
  • Investigate legitimacy of claims
  • 1st offense is a warning + threat of staff removal + restoration of bad decisions
  • 2nd offense is an instant removal of staff + forfeiting their spot on their team if the bias is competitively based.

[B] The deliberate disruption of scheduling to weaken the competitive capabilities of other teams or to force forfeit.

  • 1st offense = warning + reschedule
  • 2nd offense = forfeit for team causing issues
  • 3rd offense = forfeit for the team involved
  • 4th offense = team gets disbanded

[C] The act of actively poaching players from opponents or bribing them to weaken their teams before a match.

  • 1st offense = 1 week mute + warning to captain
  • 2nd offense = forfeit for team involved
  • If player purposely does something to weaken their team then comp ban them for 2 weeks
  • If the captain is consistently trying to poach players even when they say no, punish with stacking mutes till 1 month mute then stack 1 month bans.

[D] The intentional removal of a player from their team to nullify their contract or enable them to join another team through team hopping.

  • 1st offense = warning for captains of both teams + 2 week comp ban of player
  • 2nd offense = comp ban for end of season for player involved
  • 3rd offense = perm comp ban
  • If captains are working together to trade players and avoid contract warning + threat of team disbandment, if they do not stop then forfeit teams

[E] The act of attempting to get opponents banned through the use of flimsy or unsubstantiated evidence is not in line with the values of integrity and respect that our community withholds. Engaging in witch-hunting activities can also be seen as unproductive and a waste of time.

  • 1st offense = warning + 1 day mute & lack of cooperation from staff
  • 2nd offense = comp ban for players involved depending on how much of a stretch the evidence is determines comp ban amount, never over 3 weeks
  • 3rd offense = 1 month ban
  • 4th offense = comp ban for rest of season
  • 5th offense = perm ban cause we see this as malicious activity.

[F] The deliberate act of misrepresenting scores of matches or official scrims to gain an unfair advantage or discredit opponents.

  • 1st offense = warning + 1 day mute
  • 2nd offense = 1 week mute
  • 3rd offense = stacking 1 week mutes
  • If mutes stack to over 3 months then perm mute
  • 1st offense = warning + day mute + alerting of all their players it was a lie
  • 2nd offense = 1 week mute
  • 3rd offense = 1 month comp ban
  • Any further continuation of these tendencies are a concern of exploitation and perm ban is necessary.

[H] The act of disrupting a network's operations by inundating it with an overwhelming amount of data traffic, typically achieved by acquiring an individual's IP address and using it to flood the network, can be described as a malicious form of network attack commonly known as a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack.

  • No matter the circumstances then this is a perm ban
  • Inform the admins & admins will report to discord and other servers
  • Send out community announcement

1.2 Cheating

  • Lying about the use of PCVR instantly incriminates you for cheating
  • 1st offense = 1 season comp ban (you will be banned for remainder of current, then 1 season starts at start of next season and ends at the end of it)
  • 2nd offense = perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban

[B] Forcing an update rate that falls below 60 times per second. This includes any attempts to manipulate the game's refresh rate below 60hz, tamper with recording settings to induce lag in the update rate, or raise resolution/quality settings to force lower update rates.

  • 1st offense = perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban

[C] Using World scale adjustment to artificially elongate your reach. This includes the use of sticks, or mods to achieve the same effect.

  • 1st offense = 1 season comp ban (you will be banned for remainder of current, then 1 season starts at start of next season and ends at the end of it)
  • 2nd offense = perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban

[D] Using any mods or modified files during a competitive match, scrimmage, code CGT, or public lobby. This includes Utilla, Unity Explorer, Quest APKs, Platform mods and even 1 handed mod. Also cosmetic mods such as rain disabler, or cosmetic mods…

  • If mods are harmless then 1 season comp ban (you will be banned for remainder of current, then 1 season starts at start of next season and ends at the end of it) + if harmful then skip step
  • 2nd offense = perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban

[E] utilizing any physical movement deliberately to manipulate your in-game position in order to enhance the height and length of your jumps, or to increase your speed, Such physical movements include but are not limited to footsteps, crouching, leaning, lunging, jumping…

  • 1st offense = 1 match suspension + forfeit for match if playspace abuse is found after match finished.
  • 2nd offense = 1 season comp ban (you will be banned for remainder of current, then 1 season starts at start of next season and ends at the end of it)
  • 3rd offense = perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban

[F] exploitation of network manipulation techniques, such as utilizing a Virtual Private Network (VPN), to intentionally cause in-game latency (this is not strictly network manipulation, basically anything that makes bad latency on purpose).

  • 1st offense = 1 season comp ban (you will be banned for remainder of current, then 1 season starts at start of next season and ends at the end of it)
  • 2nd offense = perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban

[G] Adding cheaters onto your team or knowingly letting your teammates cheat to win a match or to obtain any small bit of competitive advantage.

  • 1st offense = 1 season comp ban (you will be banned for remainder of current, then 1 season starts at start of next season and ends at the end of it) + team disqualification
  • 2nd offense = perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban

[H] Allowing alt accounts on your team, or not using proper precautions to prevent alt accounts from getting onto your team. (by proper precautions we mean letting multiple alts on the team in a short period of time, or not having proper suspicion of alts)

  • 1st offense = 1 season comp ban (you will be banned for remainder of current, then 1 season starts at start of next season and ends at the end of it) + disqualification of team
  • 2nd offense = perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban
  • If captain lets a alt on and does not know, give a warning then follow the punishment list

[I] Using smooth turning to increase the distance covered during a jump, colloquially referred to as 'Rec Room glitching' or known by other similar appellations.

  • 1st offense = 1 match suspension + if used on purpose then skip this step
  • 2nd offense = 1 season comp ban (you will be banned for remainder of current, then 1 season starts at start of next season and ends at the end of it)
  • 3rd offense = perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban

[J] Tampering with any values within the Unity Explorer tool to alter the game mechanics, irrespective of the intended purpose, such as perpetually altering the time of day or enhancing movement speed.

  • 1st offense = perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban

[K] Interfering with the game files through any means, including modifying the Assembly C# code or changing any other values in any file, attempting to gain an advantage.

  • 1st offense = perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban

[L] Employing the use of any software or technique to tamper with the game's memory. Or performance AKA Dev Hub, oculus tray tool, APKs (this is said in the update rate rule but we are restating it so it is very clear what we mean.)

  • 1st offense = perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban

[M] Deliberately decreasing the tracking frequency of your headset or utilizing settings and file editing to deceive the game into assuming a lower tracking frequency (also included in this is prediction)

  • 1st offense = perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban

[N] Getting out of the map (this rule will be applicable at times where out of map glitches are possible, so this does not mean there are any glitches active right now)

  • 1st offense = perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban

[O] Unmuting the other team, or never muting them in the first place so you can hear their callouts or gain a competitive advantage.

  • 1st offense = match forfeit + warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 season comp ban (you will be banned for remainder of current, then 1 season starts at start of next season and ends at the end of it)
  • 3rd offense = perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban
  • If they unmute on accident while running through gazebo, give them warning then proceed to punishments

[P] Having a banned player or someone not on the team pretend to be you in an official match.

  • Perm comp ban
  • Chances to appeal will be given after perm comp ban
  • If appealed and offense is repeated = perm ban

1.3 Sportsmanship

[A] Intentionally boasting about a victory to demean fellow players, particularly when the others display no inclination to dispute or create any disruptions.

  • 1st offense = 1 day mute + warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 week mute
  • 3rd offense = stacking 1 week mutes
  • If stacking mutes reach over 4 months then perm mute

[B] Singling out an individual for subpar performance in a match and repeatedly attributing the team's defeat to that person, despite the other individual's lack of willingness to engage in arguments, is considered an act of fault finding and is not applicable to cases where captains provide constructive criticism to their team members.

  • 1st offense = warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 day mute
  • 3rd offense = 1 week mute
  • 4th offense = stacking 1 week mutes
  • If mutes stack over 6 months then this person is most likely harassing people and stacking bans starting at 6 months.

1.4 Self Promo/Advertising

[A] Facilitating the advertisement of a personal discord server that lacks any affiliation with a team or competitive organization, whether conducted through direct messaging or within our server.

1st offense = warning + 1 day mute 2nd offense = warning + 1 day mute 3rd offense = 1 week mute 4th offense = stacking 1 week mutes

[B] Engaging in promotional activities that encourage individuals to join a distinct league that lacks any connection to our organization, or utilizing tactics that promote another league by recruiting individuals to join your team roster.

  • 1st offense = warning + 1 day mute
  • 2nd offense = 1 week mute
  • 3rd offense = 1 month mute
  • 4th offense = stacking 1 month bans

[C] Engaging in promotional endeavors without possessing the designated content creator role to endorse personal content, or soliciting the creative works of others without fulfilling the requirements of a content creator role.

  • 1st offense = warning + 1 day mute
  • 2nd offense = 1 week mute
  • 3rd offense = banning from content creator role + 1 month mute
  • 4th offense = stacking 1 month mutes

1.5 Improper chat behavior

[A] Engaging in the act of sending multiple consecutive messages, commonly known as "spamming," with the intention of burying messages or deliberately disrupting the natural flow of conversation occurring within the chat.

  • 1st offense = 1 day mute + warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 week mute
  • 3rd offense = 1 month mute
  • 4th offense = 6 month mute
  • 5th offense = perm mute

[B] Sending messages consisting of copied and pasted content, colloquially referred to as "copypasta," with no genuine intention to contribute or add value to the ongoing conversation.

  • 1st offense = 1 day mute + warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 week mute
  • 3rd offense = 1 month mute
  • 4th offense = 6 month mute
  • 5th offense = perm mute

[C] Engaging in the deliberate dissemination of false information, often accompanied by fear-inducing rhetoric, with the intention of instilling fear and panic within others.

  • 1st offense = 1 day mute + warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 week mute
  • 3rd offense = 1 month mute
  • 4th offense = stacking 1 month bans

[D] Intentionally distributing messages that contain excessive images or lengthy content, which serve to congest the chat and impede the natural progression of conversation, without providing any meaningful contribution to the ongoing discourse.

  • 1st offense = 1 day mute + warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 week mute
  • 3rd offense = 1 month mute
  • 4th offense = 6 month mute
  • 5th offense = perm mute

1.6 Cooperation with staff

[A] If accused of cheating and asked to do any tests to prove your innocence, or causing problems with the tests/not doing them properly.

  • If you don't cooperate with the tests or refuse to do them, we assume the worst and will be punished for cheating.
  • If you are not doing the tests correctly then we will follow this
  • 1st time making mistake = warning
  • 2nd time making mistake = 2nd warning
  • 3rd time making mistake = full length of ban no chance to prove innocence

[B] Persistently engaging in acts of hostility or intimidation directed towards our staff members, either in response to their individual decisions or those made collectively by the staff team.

  • 1st offense = 1 week mute + warning
  • 2nd offense = 1 month mute
  • 3rd offense is stacking 1 month mutes

If you are currently banned from GTC and want to get unbanned, please fillout the following:

Unban formopen in new window

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